Cooking light magazine gives the boot to bland and boring chicken salad. learn more.. A killer has chosen a large meal for his last supper before he is set to die by lethal injection.. This is the fast and easy chop suey recipe that my mother always made, and we love it 'as is', but you could substitute a can of chinese mixed vegetables for the bean.
Find new chicken inspiration with hundreds of recipes and videos for everything from a family roast chicken to an easy chicken curry. all from home cooks like you, we. Fried chicken (also referred to as southern fried chicken for the variant in the united states) is a dish consisting of chicken pieces usually from broiler chickens. Chop 1 (chŏp) v. chopped, chop·ping, chops 1. a. to cut by striking with a heavy sharp tool, such as an axe: chop wood. b. to shape or form by chopping: chop.